Potted Bio

My career started in public relations in London in the mid 90s. I then moved to California to open up a US presence for the consultancy I was working for at the time. My remit was to stay for six months, get the business up and running, and come back to the UK. I ended up working in the US for ten years, building the business from start-up to an operation which had several offices and over $10M in revenues. 

In 2009 I had the opportunity to move with the same firm to take over the leadership of the APAC business, based in Singapore and then Hong Kong. The regional business was not in great shape with both high staff and client churn and certain offices significantly underperforming. During the six years I was in-region, we turned around the business, doubled revenues organically. By acquiring and integrating a complementary business in China, we doubled revenues again.

I returned to the UK business in 2015, taking on a global business development role, completed 20 years at the firm and in 2016 moved to WPP. This was to take on the role of managing partner for WPP’s marketing effectiveness and data analytics consultancy. I was hired to bring commercial skills to a senior team which were made up of experts in analytics, leading business development efforts. I was there for four years where we grew the business on average 20-25% a year.

In 2020 I took on my role as an independent consultant to marketing agencies, professional services consultancies and startups. I now work with senior leaders to solve business problems and address growing pains. Establishing the foundations and strategy for sustainable growth and success.

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